One of our core missions as a non-profit is to empower Ethiopian adoptees. Many of our members have a strong desire to give back to their hometowns in Ethiopia and many of them already have in various ways! EAF strives to give adoptees the resources and ability to help impoverished communities develop sustainably. Whether that is promoting their charitable endeavors in Ethiopia, facilitating the collection of donations, or providing them connections to established humanitarians in Ethiopia, our goal is to provide the means for their projects to flourish. So far, EAF has supported two of our member's projects in Ethiopia. Weyessa McAlister's non-profit Bridge H2ope well project in Ethiopia and another member's project in their hometown, Hossana, Ethiopia at a local elementary school.
HoSSana SchooL Fundraiser
Anonymous EAF Member
“The reason I started The Hossana School Fundraiser Project is because I wanted to somehow, even in the smallest of ways, support the village I grew up in for the first 8 years of my life in Hossana, Ethiopia. Through the generous partnership of EAF, I directed all giving to be made through EAF to make all donations tax deductible for donors. I also partnered with a book printing organization in Addis Ababa called, Open Hearts Big Dreams, for beginner reading books & other small businesses throughout the city for dictionaries, reading and works books, and Bibles. The result of this project was a success! The students and staff were so thankful for the new books & updated materials." - Anonymous EAF member